I only found one good and simple explanation of generics Contravariance in Julien Richard-Foy’s blog:
However it was not clear enough for me to memorize all these details, so I decided to develop the idea in a bit different key.
Let’s define some classification of animals:
The easy example of covariance is a group of animals of the same kind (flock, heard, whatever...)
So the group of cows is also a group of ungulate, which is group of mammals, whch is a also group of animals:
Cow -> Ungulate -> Mammal -> Animal
Group[Cow] -> Group[Ungulate] -> Group[Mammals] -> Group[Animals]
This is covariance where Cow is a subclass of Animal, the Group[of Cow] is a (subtype of) Group[of Animal]
Imagine that there’s a law describing Veterinary licensing. The law defines the hierarchy of animal classes as above.
The imaginable law states that a Veterinarian with a license of some class is allowed to treat animals of subclasses of this class of animals, therefore:
LicensedVet[for Cows] can only treat Cows
LicensedVet[for Cattle] can only treat Sheep and Cows
LicensedVet[for Mammals] can only treat Dogs, Cats, Sheep and Cows
LicensedVet[for Animals] can treat anyone from this hierarchy
Cow -> Cattle -> Mammal -> Animal
LicensedVet[Cow] <- LicensedVet[Ungulate] <- LicensedVet[Mammal] <- LicensedVet[Animals]
This is contravariance here: Cow is a subclass of Animal, but LicensedVeterinarian[for cows] is not a (subtype of) LicensedVeterinarian[for all Animals], however the LicensedVeterinarian[for Animals] is a (kind of subtype of) LicensedVeterinarian[for Cows].
This is a practical example of contravariance “from the real life” with kind of practical application.
Ok, let’s do some coding (in Scala):
class Animal(val name: String) {
override def toString = this.getClass.getSimpleName+": "+name
class Mammal(name: String) extends Animal(name)
class Dog(name: String) extends Mammal(name)
class Cat(name: String) extends Mammal(name)
class Cattle(name: String) extends Mammal(name)
class Sheep(name: String) extends Cattle(name)
class Cow(name: String) extends Cattle(name)
class Bird(name: String) extends Animal(name)
class Goose(name: String) extends Bird(name)
class Chicken(name: String) extends Bird(name)
class GroupOfAnimals[A](val list: List[A]) {
def getOne = list.head
def getByName(name: String) = list.find({
case p: Animal if p.name == name => true case _ => false }
class LicensedVeterinarian[A] {
def treat(a: A) = {
print("Treat animal ")
val dorothySheep = new Sheep("Dorothy")
val murkaCow = new Cow("Murka")
val gavCat = new Dog("Gav")
val unnamedHen = new Chicken("Hen")
val flockOfSheep = new GroupOfAnimals[Sheep](List(dorothySheep))
val someCattle = new GroupOfAnimals[Cattle](List(murkaCow, dorothySheep))
val jamesHerriot = new LicensedVeterinarian[Animal]
val bobbySmith = new LicensedVeterinarian[Cattle]
flockOfSheep.getOne //Sheep: Dorothy
someCattle.getOne //Cow: Murka
someCattle.getByName("Murka") //Some(Cow: Murka)
//mr. Herriot can treat anyone
//Bobby licensed only for Cattle
//bobbySmith.treat(gavCat) //type mismatch, expected: Cattle, actual: Cat
//bobbySmith.treat(unnamedHen) //expected: Cattle, actual: Chicken
Everything seems to work as expected, what for do we need all this covariance and contravariance things?
Imagine that vet can treat a group of animals:
class LicensedVeterinarian[A] {
def treat(a: A) = {
print("Treat animal ")
def treatGroupOfAnimals(g: GroupOfAnimals[A]) = {
print("Treat animals ")
If we try to compile the code with James Herriot doing treatGroupOfAnimals compiler will sipt something like:
type mismatch, expected: GroupOfAnimal[Animal], actual: GroupOfAnimal[Cattle]
What? A flock of cattle is not a group of animals? It happens because parametrized types are non-variant by default, so we must define whether it Covariant or Contravariant, otherwise it is considered to be non-variant.
Group of animals is
covariant to animals, as mentioned above. So, if we redefine group of animals as follows, James Herriot will be able to treat a group of animals:
class GroupOfAnimals[+A](val list: List[A]) {
def getOne = list.head
def getByName(name: String) = list.find({
case p: Animal if p.name == name => true case _ => false }
jamesHerriot.treatGroupOfAnimals(someCattle) //now works as expected
Ok. What’s the use for contravariance? Let’s imagine that we have a farm:
object Farm {
// This one will not work without covariance of GroupOfAnimals
def areAnimalsOk(group: GroupOfAnimals[Mammal]): Boolean = {
// Dunno am not a vet, they're always lookin fine
def inviteVetForCattle(veterinarian: LicensedVeterinarian[Cattle]): Unit = {
println("Inviting veterinarian for cattle")
def inviteVetForDog(veterinarian: LicensedVeterinarian[Dog]): Unit = {
println("Inviting veterinarian for dog")
def inviteVetForBirds(veterinarian: LicensedVeterinarian[Bird]): Unit = {
println("Inviting veterinarian for birds")
Farm.areAnimalsOk(flockOfSheep) //True: They are always OK
// ^ This one is OK, Bobby is veterinarian for Cattle
Weird! Bobby can be invited to treat Cattle, but James Herriot cannot. As we said above, licensed veterinarians are
contravariant to animals, so let’s try make them contravariant:
class LicensedVeterinarian[-A] {
def treat(a: A) = {
print("Treat animal ")
def treatGroupOfAnimals(g: GroupOfAnimals[A]) = {
print("Treat animals ")
Phew… With contravariance option we can invite James Herriot. Our farm is safe now.
The final code:
class Animal(val name: String) {
override def toString = this.getClass.getSimpleName+": "+name
class Mammal(name: String) extends Animal(name)
class Dog(name: String) extends Mammal(name)
class Cat(name: String) extends Mammal(name)
class Cattle(name: String) extends Mammal(name)
class Sheep(name: String) extends Cattle(name)
class Cow(name: String) extends Cattle(name)
class Bird(name: String) extends Animal(name)
class Goose(name: String) extends Bird(name)
class Chicken(name: String) extends Bird(name)
class GroupOfAnimals[+A](val list: List[A]) {
def getOne = list.head
def getByName(name: String) = list.find({
case p: Animal if p.name == name => true case _ => false }
class LicensedVeterinarian[-A] {
def treat(a: A) = {
print("Treat animal ")
def treatGroupOfAnimals(g: GroupOfAnimals[A]) = {
print("Treat animals ")
val dorothySheep = new Sheep("Dorothy")
val murkaCow = new Cow("Murka")
val gavCat = new Dog("Gav")
val unnamedHen = new Chicken("Hen")
val flockOfSheep = new GroupOfAnimals[Sheep](List(dorothySheep))
val someCattle = new GroupOfAnimals[Cattle](List(murkaCow, dorothySheep))
val jamesHerriot = new LicensedVeterinarian[Animal]
val bobbySmith = new LicensedVeterinarian[Cattle]
flockOfSheep.getOne //Sheep: Dorothy
someCattle.getOne //Cow: Murka
someCattle.getByName("Murka") //Some(Cow: Murka)
//mr. Herriot can treat anyone
//Bobby licensed only for Cattle
//bobbySmith.treat(gavCat) //type mismatch, expected: Cattle, actual: Cat
//bobbySmith.treat(unnamedHen) //expected: Cattle, actual: Chicken
object Farm {
// This one will not work without covariance of GroupOfAnimals
def areAnimalsOk(group: GroupOfAnimals[Mammal]): Boolean = {
// Dunno am not a vet, they're always lookin fine
def inviteVetForCattle(veterinarian: LicensedVeterinarian[Cattle]): Unit = {
println("Inviting veterinarian for cattle")
def inviteVetForDog(veterinarian: LicensedVeterinarian[Dog]): Unit = {
println("Inviting veterinarian for dog")
def inviteVetForBirds(veterinarian: LicensedVeterinarian[Bird]): Unit = {
println("Inviting veterinarian for birds")
//Bobby is only licensed for cattle, not for birds or dogs:
//Farm.inviteVetForDog(bobbySmith) // Nope, type mismatch
//Farm.inviteVetForBirds(bobbySmith // Nope, type mismatch